1            The Society shall be known as WARLINGHAM AND DISTRICT ANGLERS' SOCIETY.


2            MANAGEMENT:


              (a)     The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Management Committee of

                        Members all of whom shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting by

                        those members present.

              (b)     The Management Committee shall consist of the following:-

                        Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. General Secretary, Hon. Treasurer,

                        Hon. Membership Secretary, Hon. Fisheries Officer and from the remaining

                        Committee of four the following positions to be filled: Competition Secretary,

                        Press Officer and Junior Representative.

              (c)     The Management Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the Society

                        between Annual General Meetings and shall have voting powers of co-option.

              (d)     Voting in general committee shall only be by elected Management Committee

                        Members. The Chairman having a casting vote in the event of a tie at

                        Committee or General Meetings.

              (e)     Six members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.

(f)      The Society is intent that children, young people and vulnerable adults will find angling a safe environment in which to have fun, learn and develop, and will seek to ensure this by adopting, using and promoting the Joint Angling Governing Bodies Child Protection Policy Guidelines Document.

(g)     The Committee shall have the power to expel any member of the Society who shall willfully break any Rule or Bye-law or who shall bring discredit on the Society and he shall have no claim for compensation or for a return of any subscription paid. No member shall be expelled under this rule except at a meeting of the Committee convened for the purpose and at which he may lodge an appeal.

              (h)     The Management Committee reserve at all times the right to withhold

                        membership of any individual.


              (i)      Minutes shall be taken and records kept of all meetings, records being kept by the

                        Honorary General Secretary.


              (j)      Management Committee Members have the authority to remove Rule Book and

                        badge if a member is discovered to be in breach of Society rules. The member's

                        Rule Book and badge shall be handed to the Honorary General Secretary who

                        will write to the alleged offender requesting that he or she attend the next

                        Committee Meeting.


3.           AUDITORS:

              Auditors for the Society’s accounts shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting.


4.           FINANCIAL YEAR:

The financial year shall end 31st March and the Annual General Meeting shall be held the following April.


5.           GENERAL MEETINGS:

              An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society may be called either by the Management Committee or by written request of not fewer than twenty-five members, stating the reason for the meeting. Ten days notice of the Annual General or an Extraordinary General Meeting must      be given. The Chairman at a General Meeting may at his discretion refuse to permit discussions or resolutions to be taken on any matter of which twenty-one days notice has not been given before the Meeting. The quorum for a General Meeting shall be twenty members. Juniors voting  one vote for every four Adults voting at the Meeting.


6.         AMENDMENTS TO RULES AND REGULATIONS (excluding General Rules and Rules for Competitions):

              No amendment, addition nor deletion to the Rules and Regulations shall be made other than at an Annual General or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. Any resolution to amend the Rules and Regulations must be set out in the notice covering the General Meeting. Proposed alterations and additions to existing rules must be made in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-one days before the date of such meeting. Propositions must be            seconded. Such resolutions shall not be carried unless voted in favour by a two-thirds majority of the members present. Any alterations to the sections of the Rule Book referred to as General Rules and Rules for Competitions are within the discretion of the Management Committee.



              Nominations for Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and           Honorary Membership Secretary must be submitted (with the consent of the nominee), signed by the member proposing, seconded and handed to the existing Honorary Secretary not later than twenty-one days prior to the Annual General Meeting.


8.           FUNDS:

              The funds of the Society shall be lodged in the name of the Society with a Bank approved by the Management Committee and shall be operated only by means of cheques signed by two of the Officers of the Society. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep an account of all the monies received and paid. Such an account shall be made available to the Auditors for the Balance Sheet to be presented at the Annual General Meeting.



              As WADAS is a Permanent Society it shall not be dissolved except by a General Meeting; all members previously having received written notice of the meeting from the Honorary General Secretary. Should the Society be dissolved, the assets are to be sold and the proceeds shared between the current members at the time of dissolution.


10.         MEMBERSHIP:

              Membership is limited to 280 Adults and 70 Juniors. New members are admitted to the Society between 1st May and 31othe April in any one year, subject to payment of the current annual membership and entrance fees.


11.         EQUITY:

              Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society. The Society respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status. The Society is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. All Society members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity. The Management Committee will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to Society disciplinary procedures.Type your paragraph here.